Alexander Gutman, Architekt (Dipl.-Ing.)
Geburtsjahr: 1983
2003-2005 Fachabiturabschluß in Schwerin
2005-2011 Diplom an der TU-Dortmund in Architektur und Städtebau mit Vertiefungsfach: Integration der erneuerbaren Energie in Gebäude
2011-2021 Arbeit in Architekturbüros in Düsseldorf und Umgebung im Bereich des sozialen Wohnungsbaus, Hotel-, Schulbaus und Projektentwicklung.
2013 Mitglied der Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfallen
seit 2021 Architekt bei Rekowski Architekten in Düsseldorf
seit 2021 Gründung "Nachhaltige Architektur"
"In times of global climate change, ecological or sustainable building takes on a special significance, because those who build their house with low energy consumption and from renewable building materials are acting in an environmentally conscious manner. Architects play a key role in this task, in which it is essential: to minimize heat loss via the building envelope in winter, to avoid overheating in summer and to integrate renewable energy into the building design in a contemporary architectural language already in the design process.
As an architect, I feel a special connection to the topic of sustainable building and support you with expert knowledge and passion for modern architecture in new construction projects as well as in the conversion planning of existing buildings. The range of services includes the classical architectural services with building planning in all phases of the HOAI as well as support in the selection of the appropriate property for the realization of private and commercial building projects. With Sustainable Architecture you build on many years of planning experience and thus on a good foundation!"